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Displaying & Printing MEDLINE


0 - Ready-made searches by disease.

- Instructions

1 - Preliminary Survey - MEDLINE - review articles.

- Instructions

2 - 5 are components of the Advanced Version. Return to your home-page and proceed from there.

6 - Medical References - Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, and Manuals.

- Instructions

7 - Pre-formatted Internet Links - MEDLINEplus.

- Instructions

8 - Researching A Drug or Chemical.

- Instructions

9 & 10 are components of the Advanced Version. Return to your home-page and proceed from there.

11 - Researching Cancer.

- Instructions

12 - Experimental, Clinical Trials.

- Instructions

13 - 19 are components of the Advanced Version. Return to your home-page and proceed from there.

